Major League Hacking (MLH) Fellowship

Major League Hacking PBC, Inc.

The MLH Fellowship is a fully remote 12-week internship alternative for aspiring software engineers where they earn a stipend and learn to collaborate on real open-source projects with peers and engineers from top companies. Instead of interning at a single company, on the Open Source Track, you’ll contribute to the type of Open Source projects that every company depends on. The MLH Fellowship runs year-round with batches starting every few months. This program is open to both current and non-students with any educational background. MLH expressly invites & encourages people who identify as women, non-binary, Black/African American, or Latin@ to apply.

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  • Deadline: Rolling Deadline*
  • Work Experience: Any
  • Location: Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, South America
  • Citizenship: Any
  • Residency: Any
*Please check the program's website to confirm deadlines.
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