Devoting a year or more of one’s life to a fellowship program is a serious commitment. Sometimes, short-term fellowships are the only professionally or economically feasible option for scholars wishing to enrich their research with a trip abroad. Fortunately, there are many exciting short-term fellowships for research abroad in locations such as Panama, India, and Germany. These fellowships range anywhere from a few weeks or less to several months in duration and are available to researchers with various backgrounds including the humanities and science. Check out these 10 fellowships that provide short-term funding opportunities for research in various countries around the world. Make sure to bookmark these fellowships to your ProFellow account!
American Institute of Indian Studies Senior Fellowships
Senior Research Fellowship and Senior Scholarly/Professional Development Fellowships are available to scholars with a PhD or its equivalent. The research grants are designed to enable scholars who specialize in South Asia to pursue further research in India and to establish formal affiliation with an Indian institution. Awards are available for up to 4 months or for 6-9 months. Scholarly/Professional Development is available both to established scholars who have not previously specialized in Indian studies and to established professionals who have not previously worked or studied in India. Awards may be granted for periods of 6-9 months. Non-U.S. citizens may apply as long as they are full-time faculty at colleges and universities in the United States.
APS/British Academy Fellowship for Research in London
Since 1933, the American Philosophical Society (APS) has awarded small grants to scholars in order to support the cost of research leading to publication in all areas of knowledge. The APS offers an exchange postdoctoral fellowship for a minimum of 1-2 months’ research in the archives and libraries of London. This award includes travel expenses between the United States and the United Kingdom and a monthly subsistence paid by the APS. Applicants are expected to have a doctorate or to have published work of doctoral quality. Funding is offered up to a maximum of $6,000.
APS/Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities Fellowship for Research in Edinburgh
In collaboration with the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities (IASH) at the University of Edinburgh, the APS offers a visiting fellowship of between 2-4 months for research in Edinburgh in any aspect of the humanities and social sciences. This award includes travel expenses between the United States and the United Kingdom, a private office, library and research facilities at the IASH, and a monthly subsistence paid by the APS. Travel expenses and the monthly subsistence amount will not exceed a maximum of $6,000.
Bellagio Residency Program: Academic Writing
The Bellagio Residency program in Italy offers researchers in the humanities, natural sciences, social sciences, and other academic disciplines a serene setting conducive to focused, goal-oriented work. Residencies last between 2-4 weeks. The Center has a strong interest in proposals that align with the Foundation’s work to expand opportunities and to strengthen resilience for poor or vulnerable people, in particular projects relevant to the Foundation’s core issue areas: Advance Health, Revalue Ecosystems, Secure Livelihoods, and Transform Cities. Room and board are provided to all residents and their spouses/partners.
Dr. Richard M. Hunt Fellowship for the Study of German Politics, Society, and Culture
The fellowship supports American academics whose research contributes to the scholarly discourse on contemporary German society and the political, cultural, and social history of Germany. Fellows receive a $7,500 stipend, which covers transatlantic airfare and domestic travel, as well as room and board, for a minimum of 28 days. Fellows are required to work closely with the ACG to organize a detailed itinerary before the stipend is released. Candidates must be in the relatively early stages of their career, in the final stages or have recently completed a Ph.D., and committed to furthering the transatlantic relationship.
NEH Summer Stipends
The National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipends support individuals pursuing advanced research that is of value to humanities scholars, general audiences, or both. Recipients usually produce articles, monographs, books, digital materials, archaeological site reports, translations or editions. Summer Stipends provide $6,000 for two consecutive months of full-time research and writing. Recipients must work full-time on their projects for these two months and may hold other research grants supporting the same project during this time. Summer Stipends normally support work carried out during the summer months, but arrangements can be made for other times of the year.
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Short-term Fellowships
The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institution (STRI) in Panama allows selected candidates to come to STRI year-round and is an excellent resource to provide support for graduate students and introduce them to tropical research. Although focused primarily on graduate students, awards are occasionally given to undergraduate and postdoctoral candidates. These fellowships enable selected candidates to work in the tropics and explore research possibilities at STRI. Fellowships may provide a modest stipend to cover living expenses while at STRI (currently $800/month).
Research Stays for University Academics & Scientists
DAAD offers grants for 1-3 months in all academic disciplines to scholars at US and Canadian institutions of higher education to pursue research at universities, libraries, archives, institutes or laboratories in Germany. Grants are awarded for specific research projects and cannot be used for travel only, attendance at conferences or conventions, editorial meetings, lecture tours or extended guest professorships. Additional funding is available for former one-year DAAD scholarship holders to spend 1-3 months completing a research or work project at a university or research institute in Germany.
Pierre & Patricia Bikai Fellowship
The Pierre & Patricia Bikai Fellowship will be awarded to assist one graduate student for two months or two students for one month in conducting archaeological research in Jordan. The fellowship will provide room and board at ACOR and a stipend of $600 per month. The fellowship may be combined with another ACOR fellowship that will assist with travel, or the applicant may find travel funds from other sources. This fellowship is not for field work support, but to allow the awardee to continue study or research at ACOR after the field project has concluded and residency at the ACOR center is required. Open to enrolled graduate students of any nationality except Jordanian citizens.
Title VIII Research Scholar Program
The program offers support for graduate students, faculty, Ph.D. candidates, post-doctorate, and independent scholars to conduct policy-relevant research for 3-9 months in Central Asia, Russia, the South Caucasus, Ukraine, Southeast Europe and Moldova. The total value of Title VIII Research Scholar fellowships ranges from $5K to $25K each. Typical awards include international round-trip airfare from the scholar’s home city to his/her host city overseas, academic affiliation at a leading local university, visa(s), an opportunity for housing with a local host family and a living stipend. Scholars in the social sciences and humanities are eligible.
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