Last updated September 15, 2023
Are you a new Phd candidate looking for a unique way to expand your horizons? These predoctoral fellowships for new PhD students provide funded opportunities for research in a variety of fields, including Women’s History, health sciences, fine arts, and more. There are opportunities all over the world, including Japan, China, Iraq, France, and various locations in the United States. If one of these sounds like a great fit for you, make sure to bookmark it to your ProFellow account!
Ansel Adams Research Fellowship
The Ansel Adams Research Fellowship awards up to $5,000 to promote new knowledge about photography and the history of photography. Advanced scholars and researchers from any discipline are encouraged to apply. Pre-doctoral applicants must have completed coursework and preliminary examinations for the doctoral degree and must be engaged in dissertation research. Selection is based on the quality of the proposed research and its relationship to the Center’s collections. The Center for Creative Photography is recognized as one of the world’s finest academic art museums and study centers for the history of photography.
Belfer Center Fellowships
The Belfer Center at Harvard University offers both pre-doctoral and post-doctoral research fellowships for one year, with a possibility for renewal. Applications for fellowships are welcome from recent recipients of the PhD or equivalent degree, university faculty members, and employees of government, military, international, humanitarian, and private research institutions who have acquired appropriate professional experience. The Center seeks applications from political scientists, lawyers, economists, those in the natural sciences, and others of diverse disciplinary backgrounds. The Center offers 10-month stipends of $20K-$34K.
Graduate Pre-Prospectus Summer Fellowships
Pre-Prospectus Summer Fellowships will allow doctoral students to determine how the Cuban Heritage Collection at the University of Miami may serve their research needs as they prepare the dissertation prospectus. These are exploratory fellowships to determine if research resources in the CHC will support a dissertation. Fellowships of $1,500 will be granted for one month in residence between June 1 and August 31.
Health Policy Research Scholars
Health Policy Research Scholars is a national change leadership development opportunity for full-time doctoral students from underrepresented populations or historically disadvantaged backgrounds, entering the first or second year of their doctoral program, from any academic discipline who are training to be researchers and are interested in health policy research. Participants complete their doctoral programs at their home institutions across the U.S., attend at least one annual gathering (travel funded by the program), participate in leadership development trainings, coursework and mentoring, and receive an annual stipend of up to $30,000 for up to four years. Participants are also eligible for a competitive dissertation grant of up to $10,000.
JSPS Summer Program
The program is offered to young pre- and postdoctoral researchers from the US, the UK, France, Germany and Canada. Held over a 2-month period in the summer, the program provides the participants with an orientation in Japanese language and culture and an opportunity to do cooperative research at a Japanese university or research institute. The program includes International travel (round-trip airfare), a maintenance allowance (534,000 yen) and accommodation. Deadlines vary by country and applicants must be nominated by the official authority in their county – see website.
Linda Hall Library Fellowships
The Linda Hall Library offers funding to graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and independent scholars in the history of science and related areas of science and technology studies. Scholars may apply for travel grants to support short (1-3 week) research visits to Kansas City or residential fellowships that provide more time (1-4 months) for in-depth engagement with the Library’s collections. In addition, fellows participate in a rich intellectual community of in-house experts, fellows, and scholars from nearby Kansas City institutions, including the University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC), the University of Kansas (KU), and the Clendening History of Medicine Library at the KU Medical Center. Fellowships cover travel and living expenses up to $750/week for travel fellows, $3,000/month for doctoral residential fellows, and $4,200/month for postdoctoral residential fellows.
Harold Jones and Frances Murray Research Fellowship
The Harold Jones and Frances Murray Research Fellowship award up to $2,500 to encourage research by curators, historians, social scientists, writers, artists, and critics, on photographers whose archives are at the Center. Advanced scholars and researchers from any discipline are encouraged to apply. Pre-doctoral applicants must have completed coursework and preliminary examinations for the doctoral degree and must be engaged in dissertation research. Selection is based on the quality of the proposed research and its relationship to the Center’s collections. The Center for Creative Photography is recognized as one of the world’s finest academic art museums and study centers for the history of photography.
New-York Historical Society Fellowships
Leveraging its rich collections, the New-York Historical Society’s unique fellowship program provides scholars with deep resources and an intellectual community to develop new research and publications. Several pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowships will be awarded to scholars at any academic level working in the library collections of the New-York Historical Society. Fellows are fully in residence and may not participate in external employment. Applicants should have a strong interest in New York State and City History.
Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE)
Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE) is an NSF-wide program that supports international activities across all NSF supported disciplines. The primary goal of PIRE is to support high quality projects in which advances in research and education could not occur without international collaboration. PIRE seeks to catalyze a higher level of international engagement in the U.S. science and engineering community. The PIRE competition is open to all areas of science and engineering research which are supported by the NSF. The Principal Investigator (PI) must be an employee representing a U.S. PhD granting institution. U.S. citizenship of the PI and other researchers on the U.S. team is not required.
PhRMA Foundation Pre-Doctoral Fellowships
The fellowship program of pre-doctoral support is designed to assist full-time, in-residence Ph.D. candidates who are enrolled in U.S. schools of medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, nursing or schools of public health. The program seeks to support advanced students who will have completed the bulk of their pre-thesis requirements (two years of study) and are starting their thesis research by the time the award is activated. The award is made to the university on behalf of the fellow. The fellowship provides a stipend of $20,000+ a year payable quarterly for a minimum of one year and a maximum of two years.
Photographic Arts Council – Los Angeles (PAC-LA) Research Fellowship
The Photographic Arts Council – Los Angeles (PAC-LA) Research Fellowship awards up to $2,500 to support research at the Center for Creative Photography in the history of photography. Advanced scholars and researchers from any discipline are encouraged to apply. Pre-doctoral applicants must have completed coursework and preliminary examinations for the doctoral degree and must be engaged in dissertation research. Selection is based on the quality of the proposed research and its relationship to the Center’s collections. The Center for Creative Photography is recognized as one of the world’s finest academic art museums and study centers for the history of photography.
Pre- and Post-Dissertation Fellowships at will make available several short-term research fellowships for scholars utilizing the collections during the academic year. Our extensive archival, library, and object collections are capable of supporting research in a variety of fields and disciplines relating to the history of Lancaster County, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and America from the late 17th century to the present. Fellowships are available for periods of one to four weeks ($500 per week; a total pool of $5,000) and must be used within 12 months of the award notification. There are two opportunities to apply each year.
Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship
The purpose of the Kirschstein-NRSA predoctoral fellowship (F31) award is to enable promising predoctoral students to obtain individualized, mentored research training from outstanding faculty sponsors while conducting dissertation research in scientific health-related fields relevant to the missions of the participating NIH Institutes and Centers. Applicants for the F31 must be candidates for the PhD degree and have identified a dissertation research project and sponsor(s). The fellowship may provide up to five years (typically 2-3 years) of support for research training which leads to the PhD or equivalent research degree, the combined MD/PhD degree, or another formally combined professional degree and research doctoral degree in the biomedical, behavioral, or clinical sciences.
Smithsonian Institution Fellowships
Through the Smithsonian’s flagship fellowship program, graduate, pre-doctoral, and post-doctoral students – as well as conservationists and senior scholars – have the opportunity to delve into independent research and study across an incredible range of disciplines at the largest museum in the world. Smithsonian Institution Fellows have access to unparalleled collections, world-class scholars, and state-of-the-art facilities to explore science, art, history, and culture. Fellowship awards range from 10 weeks to 2 years, $6500 to $50,000.
The Academic Research Institute in Iraq Fellowship- U.S. Citizens
The Academic Research Institute in Iraq (TARII) is inviting post-doctoral and advanced pre-doctoral researchers to conduct research focused on subjects in historical academic fields from ancient Mesopotamia to modern Iraq. Potential projects include: research in archives in Europe, Turkey, or India, interviews with Iraqis living abroad, remote sensing of ancient Iraqi landscapes, collaboration between a U.S. scholar and an Iraqi living in Iraq. Financial awards are up to $7,000 and based on merit by a review panel consisting of scholars from member universities.
WARA Pre-Doctoral Fellowship
The WARA Pre-Doctoral Fellowship provides funding for 2 to 3 month’s summer research in West Africa. Fellows can prepare a doctoral research proposal or carrying out research related to the completion of another terminal degree program (e.g., MFA or MPH). Fellows are U.S. citizens enrolled in graduate programs at US. It is helpful if applicants are conversant in the appropriate African language. Each fellowship will provide round trip travel and a stipend of up to $3,500. The West African Research Center (WARC) in Dakar, Senegal may assist with academic contacts and affiliations and recommendations for lodging in the country chosen.
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