22 Fellowships for Experienced Researchers

Apr 04, 2023
Diverse team of female and male experienced researchers wearing white lab coats in a lab.
The NCI/AcademyHealth Healthcare Delivery Research Visiting Scholars Program provides individuals with protected time to develop new research directions that advance both their own career goals and the field.

Experienced researchers can benefit from fellowships anytime in their professional careers. There are many advantages to continuing your research experiences including learning more about your specialty, receiving funding, and increasing your professional network. Check out these research fellowships in fields such as publication, photography, business history, STEM, higher education, and more!

If one of these programs catches your eye, be sure to bookmark it to your free ProFellow account! If you do not already have a ProFellow account, sign up now to gain access to our database of more than 2,400 funding awards for professional development and graduate study.

AAUW Short-Term Research Publication Grants

AAUW Short-Term Research Publication Grants provide $8,000 for women college and university faculty and independent researchers to prepare research for publication. Time must be available for 8 consecutive weeks of final writing and editing in response to issues raised in critical reviews. These grants can be awarded to both tenure-track and part-time faculty, and new and established researchers. The grants are designed to assist the candidate in obtaining tenure and other promotions. Tenured professors are not eligible. Candidates must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

Alfred D. Chandler Jr. International Visiting Scholar in Business History Program

The Alfred D. Chandler Jr. International Visiting Scholar in Business History Program invites established scholars in business history based outside the United States to spend a period in residence at Harvard Business School. The Chandler International Visiting Scholar is expected to interact with faculty and researchers, present work at research seminars, and conduct business history research. Recipients will be given a $7,000 stipend (payable at the end of their visit). The program requires a two-month minimum length of stay. Scholars may stay up to a maximum of six months.

Azrieli International Postdoctoral Fellowships

The Azrieli International Postdoctoral Fellowship supports the best and brightest minds in their postdoctoral research, connecting them with world-class academics and leading researchers. The fellowship provides generous funding for eligible international applicants to conduct research in any academic discipline at accredited institutions in Israel, a country long recognized for outstanding achievements in research and higher education. The fellowship is open to candidates who have received or will receive, their PhD at a recognized university in the EU or EFTA states, UK and Canada.

DLR-DAAD Research Fellowships

DLR-DAAD Research Fellowships in the fields of Space, Aeronautics, Energy, and Transportation Research. A new program implemented by the Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) and DAAD. DLR is Germany’s national research center for aeronautics and space. This special program is intended for highly qualified foreign doctoral and postdoctoral students as well as senior scientists. DLR-DAAD Fellowships offer outstanding scientists and researchers the opportunity to conduct special research at the institutes of the DLR in Germany. Check ‘Current Offers’ for opportunities.

Center for Creative Photography Research Fellowships

The Center for Creative Photography (CCP) Research Fellowships Promotes new knowledge about photography, photographic history, and photographic theory. The CCP Fellowship program particularly encourages applicants who can bring new and critical approaches to the Center’s collections. Applications are reviewed for a wide range of interdisciplinary projects and welcome proposals for academic, artistic, or public interest projects. Fellowships may support academics, artists, or others interested in photographic resources, regardless of their experience or educational levels. Awards up to $5,000 to support research at the Center for Creative Photography.

Edmond & Lily Safra Center for Ethics Fellowship-In-Residence

The Edmond & Lily Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard University invites applications from a broad range of researchers and practitioners who will work over the year on pressing issues in ethics. Faculty in arts and sciences and professional schools, postdoctoral scholars, practitioners, and researchers from industry, government, and NGOs are eligible to apply. Fellows-in-Residence will be expected to devote the majority of their time to their projects and to participate in regular work-in-progress seminars. They provide a stipend and a research allowance for approved expenses directly related to the work.

Fellowship Program for International Postdoctoral Researchers

The Council for Higher Education in Israel and the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities are seeking top young recent Ph.D. graduates to take on a postdoctoral position with leading scientists and scholars in Israel on cutting-edge research in all fields of science, social science, and humanities. The fellowship is open to international candidates who have received a Ph.D. from a recognized higher education institution outside of Israel less than 4 years from the time of application. Fellows will be awarded for two years in the amount of 160,000 NIS (~$50,000) per year.

Fulbright-Nehru Academic and Professional Excellence Fellowships

The Fulbright-Nehru Academic and Professional Excellence Fellowships aim to provide Indian faculty, researchers, and professionals the opportunity to teach, conduct research, or carry out a combination of teaching and research at a U.S. institution. Depending on the U.S. host institution, it is likely that the grantee may contribute towards developing a curriculum and conducting workshops and seminars. These fellowships are for four to nine months.

Georg Forster Research Fellowship for Sustainable Development

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation grants the Georg Forster Research Fellowship to postdoctoral and experienced researchers who are contributing to sustainable development. Researchers in all disciplines from developing and emerging countries can apply who have above-average qualifications. The Fellowship enables them to conduct their research at various stages of their career in collaboration with a host at a German research institution of their choice. Fellowships may last from 6 to 24 months and can be divided into up to three stays within three years. Applications are reviewed for this program meeting every February, June, and October.

Holocaust Studies Visiting Scholar Fellowship

The Mandel Center at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum awards fellowships to candidates working on their dissertations, postdoctoral researchers, and senior scholars. Proposals from scholars in all relevant academic disciplines related to the Holocaust will be considered. Individual awards generally range up to eight consecutive months of residency; a minimum of three consecutive months is required. Stipends range up to $5,000 per month to defray local housing and other miscellaneous living expenses while conducting research in Washington, DC. The Mandel Center can provide visa assistance to fellows and their dependents, if necessary.

Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers

The Humboldt Research Fellowship for experienced researchers allows you to carry out a long-term research project (6-18 months) with a self-selected academic host in a research institution in Germany. The fellowship is flexible and can be divided up into as many as three stays within three years. Scientists and scholars of all nationalities and disciplines may apply. Applications are welcome from researchers with above-average qualifications, who are working at least at the level of Assistant Professor or Junior Research Group Leader, or who have a record of several years of independent academic work.

Interdisciplinary Research Leaders

Fellows in this national leadership development program are researchers and community partners working together in three-person teams. Some are advancing existing projects; others represent new and unexpected collaborations that bring many perspectives to a critical issue. Individuals must apply as part of a team of three—two researchers and one community partner (teams can be newly formed or already existing). Researchers must have a terminal degree (Ph.D., MD, DrPH) or a master’s degree with extensive professional experience. The time commitment is approximately one day per week–approximately 20% FTE — for three years. To support the fellows’ time to participate in the program, each fellow will receive financial support of $25,000 per person for each year of the three-year program.

International Post-Doctoral Fellowships in the RERF Department of Statistics

The International Post-Doctoral Fellowships in the RERF Department of Statistics is looking for post-doctoral researchers in the areas of statistics, biostatistics, bioinformatics, genetic epidemiology, or related fields who are interested in pursuing methodological research in areas relevant to the study of the health effects of ionizing radiation. Candidates must be a citizens of a country with diplomatic relations with Japan. Japanese citizens and permanent residents of Japan are not eligible. Multiple deadlines, check the website for the next deadline.

Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships

The objective of Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships is to support researchers’ careers and foster excellence in research. The Postdoctoral Fellowship action targets researchers holding a Ph.D. who wish to carry out their research activities abroad, acquire new skills, and develop their careers. PFs help researchers gain experience in other countries, disciplines, and non-academic sectors. Interested researchers can apply together with a host organization. All disciplines are eligible for Postdoctoral Fellowships, including research areas covered by the Euratom Research and Training Programme. The beneficiary receiving EU funding needs to recruit the researcher for the total period of the fellowship.

Miller Research Fellowship

The Miller Institute for Basic Research in Science at UC Berkeley invites department chairs, faculty advisors, professors, and research scientists at institutions around the world to submit online nominations for Miller Research Fellowships. The Miller Institute seeks to discover and encourage talented researchers, and to provide them with the opportunity to pursue their research on the Berkeley campus. Miller Research Fellowships are intended for scientists who have recently been awarded, or who are about to be awarded, the doctoral degree to pursue a topic in basic sciences through interdisciplinary research. These 3-year fellowships offer an annual salary of $65K.

MindCORE Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

MindCORE seeks to recruit postdoctoral researchers for their Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Scholars. Housed within the School of Arts and Sciences of the University of Pennsylvania, MindCORE is an interdisciplinary effort to understand human intelligence and behavior. Created for recent recipients of a PhD degree in psychology, linguistics, neuroscience, philosophy, computer science, or a related discipline, the program is a springboard for researchers to establish their research programs. Fellows receive a salary, relocation allowance, health insurance, and a modest research budget in one-year terms, renewable for up to three years.

Nantes Institutes for Advanced Study Fellowship Program

The Nantes Institutes for Advanced Study Fellowship Program offers nine-month fellowships in Nantes, France. IAS Nantes awards fellowships to outstanding researchers of all career levels, from postdoctoral researchers to senior scientists. IAS Nantes offers 15 fellowship positions. Applications are expected from the fields of the social sciences and the humanities (SSH) and all research fields. The Fellows will benefit from the IAS’s support and conducive scientific environment, in an interdisciplinary cohort of fellows and close relation to the local research potential. IAS Nantes offers a living allowance, social security coverage, accommodation, a complete workspace, plus coverage of travel expenses.

NCI/AcademyHealth Healthcare Delivery Research Visiting Scholars Program

This yearlong part-time opportunity takes place at the National Cancer Institute in Rockville, Maryland. Mid-career researchers receive a year-long, funded part-time opportunity to contribute evidence and address cancer care challenges by conducting research and pursuing projects. The program provides individuals with protected time to develop new research directions that advance both their own career goals and the field. Fellows work closely with NCI staff in the Healthcare Delivery Research Program and gain access to NCI data and resources to improve healthcare delivery and address cancer care challenges.

The Academic Research Institute in Iraq Fellowship – U.S. Citizens

The Academic Research Institute in Iraq (TARII) is inviting post-doctoral and advanced pre-doctoral researchers to conduct research focused on subjects in historical academic fields from ancient Mesopotamia to modern Iraq. Potential projects include research in archives in Europe, Turkey, or India, interviews with Iraqis living abroad, remote sensing of ancient Iraqi landscapes, and collaboration between a U.S. scholar and an Iraqi living in Iraq. Financial awards are up to  $7,000 and are based on merit by a review panel consisting of scholars from member universities.

Tiny Beam Fund Fellowships

The Tiny Beam fund is offering 4-month fellowships for academic researchers interested in the negative impacts of global industrial food animal production – from PhD candidates to senior scholars. All applicants must hold PhD/doctoral degrees or be enrolled in PhD/doctoral programs. Three categories of awards are available ranging from $15,000 to $25,000 and will be awarded twice a year for a spring/summer round and fall/winter round. There are no restrictions as to applicants’ place of residence or citizenship.

UCLA Visiting Research Scholar Fellowship Program in Ethnic Studies

The Institute of American Cultures offers in-residence appointments to support research on African Americans, American Indians, Asian Americans, and Chicanas/os. Researchers proposing to advance the understanding of new social and cultural realities occasioned by the dramatic population shifts of recent decades, including greater heterogeneity within ethnic groups and increased interethnic contact, are especially encouraged to apply. Visiting Scholars will receive funding for one or more quarters and may receive up to $35,000 for three quarters. Applicants must hold a PhD from an accredited college or university in a relevant field.

Wellcome Trust Career Development Awards

The scheme of career development awards provides funding for mid-career researchers from any discipline who have the potential to be international research leaders. They will develop their research capabilities, drive innovative programs of work, and deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health, and well-being. The host organization may be based in the UK, the Republic of Ireland, or Low- or middle-income countries (apart from India and mainland China). A Wellcome Career Development Award provides a salary for the grant holder (if required) and research expenses. The award usually lasts for 8 years.

Interested in finding many more fellowships for researchers like these? Sign up for the ProFellow database, which includes more than 2,400 funded opportunities for professional development and graduate school.

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