Fully Funded Master’s Programs in Classics

Sep 14, 2021
Rutgers University Master's Programs in Classics
Rutgers University funds some of their Master’s in Classics students

Last updated December 15, 2022

As a part of our series on How to Fully Fund Your Master’s Degree, here is a list of universities that offer full funding for master’s programs in classics or fund most students in the classics programs. Master’s degrees in Classics can lead to a variety of career options, including teaching, academic research, Museum, or gallery curator.

Fully-funded Master’s programs can be difficult to find. Because most universities focus their funding on Ph.D. students, Master’s candidates can have a harder time securing scholarships and funding. However, there are a number of universities that do offer funded Master’s programs. “Full funding” is a financial aid package for full-time students that includes full tuition remission and an annual stipend or salary for the duration of the student’s master’s studies. Funding is typically offered in exchange for graduate teaching and research work that is complementary to your studies. Not all universities provide full funding to their master’s students, which is why I recommend researching the financial aid offerings of all the potential Master’s programs in your academic field, including small and lesser-known schools both in the U.S. and abroad.

You can also find several external fellowships in the ProFellow Database for graduate and doctoral study, as well as dissertation research, fieldwork, language study, and summer work experience.

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Universities Offer to Fund Master’s Programs in Classics

University of Arizona

(Tucson, Arizona): Generous funding is offered to eligible students admitted to the Classics M.A. program. Most students receive the Graduate Assistant–Teaching (GAT) placements and all GATs receive full tuition waivers, and health insurance plans with the premium fully covered. Stipends range from $8,626 to $18,177 per academic year, depending on hours worked and year in the program.

The University of British Columbia

(Vancouver, BC, Canada): All Master’s students are funded. A typical minimum funding package for MA students is around $18,000 (domestic) or $21,000 per year for 20 months from a combination of Teaching Assistantships and fellowships. Most students receive additional funding from other external sources. In addition, the Department provides support for student travel and research abroad.

Florida State University

(Tallahassee, FL): Strong financial support to both Ph.D. students and MA students. MA programs offer funding to a large majority of their MA-level students, primarily through teaching assistantships. Additional financial support for both Ph.D. and MA students is available for graduate travel and research through the department’s multiple endowments and from faculty grants.

University of Kansas

(Lawrence, KS): The Classics Department offers several Graduate Teaching Assistantships. Graduate Teaching Assistants pay no tuition and receive health benefits in addition to a stipend. The annual stipend is approximately $17,750. Additional scholarships and research positions are also available.

Memorial University

(Newfoundland and Labrador): Competitive funding packages to academically eligible full-time graduate students, both Canadian and international, in all eligible research programs. Funding for MA: $7,000-$10,000.

University of Notre Dame

(Notre Dame, IN): The Department of Classics at Notre Dame offers a funded, 2-year M.A. in Classics program. Every admitted student receives a full tuition waiver plus an annual stipend, which ranges from $12,500 to $17,300 but in some cases could reach up to $22,100, depending on teaching duties. There are also subsidies available toward health care premiums.

Queen’s University

(Kingston, ON, Canada): The Basic Funding Package is approximately $13000 including an assistantship. Entering graduate students who win federal government tri-council awards are automatically provided a $5,000 top-up award by Queen’s. All graduate students are also eligible to apply for Travel Fellowship funding travel for study or research in Greece.

Rutgers University 

(New Brunswick, NJ): Rutgers Classics is able to offer one to two fully-funded MA fellowships per year. The two-year fellowships include full tuition remission and an annual stipend of $25,000. 

Texas Tech University

(Lubbock, TX): Students usually receive financial support via employment as a Teaching Assistant, Graduate Part-Time Instructor, or Editorial Assistant to Intertexts. The University also offers several competitive scholarships and funding for students from underrepresented backgrounds.

Tulane University

Tulane University, based in New Orleans, Louisiana offers a fully funded Master’s in Classical Studies. Tulane’s M.A. program in Classical Studies prepares students for further academic work in Ph.D. programs, for teaching in secondary schools, and for other types of careers. They emphasize Latin and Greek while encouraging them to explore the ancient world through archaeology and ancient history. They offer their best-qualified applicants a full tuition fellowship and an annual stipend. Students receiving a stipend will serve each semester as teaching assistants, helping a professor with course materials and grading. The funding package also includes guaranteed funding for research travel.

University of Vermont

The University of Vermont, based in Burlington, VT offers a fully funded Master’s in Classics. The Department offers an M.A. in Greek and Latin with a thesis and non-thesis option, and an MAT in Latin in conjunction with the College of Education. The program is strongly philological and geared toward students who want excellent preparation in Greek and Latin language and in the craft of scholarship. Offer full funding for 2 – 3 Master’s students each year through a Graduate Teaching Assistantship and/or through the Department’s Prindle-Myrick-Kidder scholarship. Includes all tuition and fees, a competitive stipend ($20,887 in AY 2022–23), and up to $4,000 in professional development funds.

Washington University in St. Louis

(St. Louise, MO): MA students typically receive full tuition remission, which is not tied to any service performed by the student; the only requirement for continuing to receive tuition remission is satisfactory academic progress. Also, have additional funding for MA students through positions as assistants in instruction and research assistants.

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