Last updated May 15, 2022
As part of the series on How to Fully Fund Your Ph.D., here is a list of PhD programs in geography that offer full funding to their students. A PhD in Geography opens the door to a variety of interesting careers. You could work as a college professor, environmental consultant, meteorologist, or urban planner, among many other opportunities.
“Full funding” is a financial aid pack for students that includes full tuition remission and an annual stipend or salary for the duration of the student’s doctoral studies. Full funding is not universal, so it’s a smart idea to research the financial aid offerings of all the potential Ph.D. programs in your academic field, including small and lesser-known schools.
You can also find several external fellowships in the ProFellow Database for graduate and doctoral study, including opportunities for funding for dissertation research, fieldwork, language study, and summer work experiences.
Would you like to receive the full list of more than 1000+ fully funded programs in 60 disciplines? Download the FREE Directory of Fully Funded Graduate Programs and Full Funding Awards!
Clark University
(Worcester, MA): All incoming graduate students are guaranteed the same tuition remission and a minimum of four years of initial assistantship funding, as long as progress to a degree is satisfactory.
Florida State University
(Tallahassee, FL): Current funding for qualified students is $18,000 per year (fall and spring) plus all tuition credit hours (with a possibility of summer teaching for an additional $2,500). Students are liable for FSU fees. Funding for students with a master’s degree is for 4 years, and 5 years for students without a master’s degree. In both cases, funding is conditional on good scholastic standing and available Departmental resources.
Indiana University Bloomington
(Bloomington, IN): We offer competitive opportunities for graduate funding, including research assistantships, associate instructorships, and fellowships. Our Ph.D. students are normally funded for 5 years, given adequate progress. IU Geography does not fund terminal Master’s degrees.
Louisiana State University
(Baton Rouge, LA): The Geography and Anthropology department currently funds approximately 20 students through departmental teaching assistantships. All applicants who submit complete applications by the deadline will be considered for funding. We seek highly qualified students who will contribute to expanding the diversity of the disciplines of Geography and Anthropology.
University of British Columbia
(Vancouver, B.C., Canada): We work with every student to try to provide a consistent, basic level of funding of a minimum of $25,000 in income per year to all graduate students. Most of our full-time MA/MSc and Ph.D. students receive income in the form of scholarships/fellowships and/or teaching/research assistantships.
University of Minnesota
(Minneapolis, MN): All students are guaranteed a funding package, contingent on satisfactory progress toward a degree. The funding package provides payment of tuition up to 14 credits per semester, partial payment of the health insurance premium, and a stipend.
University of Utah
(Salt Lake City, UT): Ph.D. students are eligible to receive teaching and research assistantship funding. These positions are awarded on a competitive basis and include a tuition waiver and subsidized health insurance. A Master’s degree is required to enter the Ph.D. program.
Need some tips for the application process? See my article How To Get Into a Fully Funded PhD Program: Contacting Potential PhD Advisors.
Also, sign up to discover and bookmark more than 1700 professional and academic fellowships in the ProFellow database.
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