New 2020-2021 Fulbright U.S. Student Program Awards for Students and Young Professionals

Jul 11, 2019
South Korea is offering 20 new Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship positions in elementary schools for the 2020-2021 season

If you’re thinking about applying for a Fulbright U.S. Student award, be sure to take a look at some of the new opportunities that are available for the 2020-2021 season. There are a lot of interesting programs in their six regions beyond the U.S. Student Program for Study/Research and English Teaching Assistantships (ETA), and some countries are offering these core awards for the first time. 

In 2020-2021, over 2,150 different Fulbright grants in approximately 140 countries are available. The grants usually span 8-10 months each. The national deadline for most Fulbright Awards this year is Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 5pm Eastern Time. Be sure to confirm the deadline for the program you choose to apply for on the Fulbright website

With opportunities for new graduates, graduate students, and professionals seeking out new international horizons, Fulbrights offer opportunities for personal and professional growth. Below we outline the new grants offered this year in each of the six Fulbright regions.

East Asia-Pacific

Australia is offering 10 new Fulbright Future Scholarships, which will be open to postgraduate students, PhD researchers, academics and professionals to undertake a Master’s degree or do research at an Australian institution.

In addition to its other programs, Taiwan has a Doctoral Degree Program Award for grantees to undertake a full-time international doctoral degree program in Global Health Science at National Taiwan University. Tawain is also offering two Fulbright Debate Coach/Trainer Awards and an additional Master’s Degree National Taiwan Normal University Award in International Human Resource Development at National Taiwan Normal University. 

There are also several new ETA opportunities. South Korea has 20 ETA positions at elementary schools and Hong Kong and Cambodia have new two positions.  

Europe and Eurasia

Austria offers 5 Fulbright-Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation Awards for Graduate Studies and PhD Research in Science and Technology, in which Ph.D. candidates in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines and related fields undertake full-time research or study intended.

Bulgaria has a new Fulbright Study/Research Award in Archeology/History, which supports research in areas related to both Balkan archaeology and museum and heritage studies, including Roman civilization in the Balkans, Early Byzantine/Early Christian Balkans, Inter-relations between Ancient Greek and Thracian civilizations, and Heritage and Museum Studies.

Finland is offering 2 Fulbright-Tampere University Graduate Awards for students who wish to complete a full Master’s degree at the Tampere University.

France is offering several new opportunities. Two Fulbright-Harriet Hale Woolley Awards in the Arts are for students artists to pursue a project in Paris. The 3 Fulbright-Paris Seine University Awards are offered for students to pursue a master’s degree at the Paris Seine University consortium, and  4 Fulbright-University of Bordeaux Doctoral Research Awards are for students enrolled in a doctoral program in the United States to pursue research for their theses at the University of Bordeaux. 

In Ireland, 2 Fulbright/RCSI PhD Awards enable US citizens to complete a fully funded PhD in Dublin at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland over a period of 4 years. 

In the Netherlands, 1 Fulbright/Delft University of Technology: Industrial Design Engineering Award is offered for a student to undertake the two-year MSc program. 

Spain is offering a variety of new opportunities. One Fulbright Global and International Studies Master’s at Universidad de Salamanca award is available to pursue a full-time Master’s degree in Global and International Studies (MGIS) at the Universidad de Salamanca (USAL).  The Fulbright/IE School of Human Sciences & Technology Master’s Award is for a student to work on a full-time master’s at IE School of Human Sciences & Technology.

The 5 Fulbright/Turkish Universities MA Program Awards offer recent graduates, postgraduate candidates, developing professionals and artists an opportunity to pursue a full-time Master’s degree program at leading state and foundation universities in Turkey. 

Fulbright UK is offering a large variety of new programs. The Fulbright/Aston Martin Coventry University Automotive Award Award covers the first year of any master’s degree programme related to the automotive industry and an industry placement with Aston Martin. The Fulbright/Global Wales Postgraduate Award provides one master’s degree scholarship to study at one of the participating Welsh Universities, in any field. One Fulbright/Bangor University Award is offered to pursue a one-year taught or research Master’s (or to provide funding for the first year of a Master’s or Ph.D. degree program which is longer than one year) in Celtic Studies, Creative Writing or Ocean Sciences at Bangor University in Wales. 

In addition to these new UK programs, A Fulbright/Queen’s University Belfast Award in Global Security and Borders is offered to pursue a Master’s in Global Security and Borders at Queen’s University Belfast, and a similar Fulbright/Queen’s University Belfast PhD Award in Global Peace, Security and Justice is offered to pursue a doctoral programme (Ph.D.) at the Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security, and Justice at Queen’s University Belfast, for up to three years. Finally, 1 Fulbright/Royal Central School of Speech and Drama Award is offered to pursue a one-year Master’s degree (or the first year of a Master’s or doctoral degree program) in any discipline at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama.

Greenland is offering two new ETA positions. 

Middle East and North Africa

Israel is offering 6 PhD Research Programs for PhD students to complete one semester of research during the 2020/2021 academic year as well as 7 Fulbright MA Degree Awards for students to pursue a Master’s degree.

Algeria is offering two new ETA positions and the Palestinian Territories are offering 4 new ETA positions.

South and Central Asia

Uzbekistan is offering 10 new ETA Awards. Foreign language proficiency is not required, and they prefer candidates with degrees in English, Education, TEFL/TESOL, and STEM fields. 

Sub-Saharan Africa

In Ghana, 3 Fulbright-Fogarty Public Health Fellowship Awards offer U.S. graduate and post-graduate students in the health sciences practical experience as they complete a project related to improving neonatal mortality rates.

In Malawi, 3 Fulbright-Fogarty Public Health Fellowship Awards offer U.S. graduate and post-graduate students in the health sciences the opportunity to research clinical service delivery, public health program implementation, and clinical and operational research focused on HIV and STDs, other infectious diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis, emergency obstetrics, cancer, family planning, surgery and trauma.  

In Uganda, 3 Fulbright-Fogarty Public Health Fellowship Awards offer U.S. undergraduate and post-graduate students in the health sciences research training opportunities in the area of tuberculosis and other pulmonary complications of HIV.

In Ethiopia, 3 Fulbright-Fogarty Public Health Fellowship Awards offer U.S. graduate and post-graduate students in the health sciences practical experience as they research major public health problems such as reproductive health, child health, nutrition and food security, non-communicable diseases, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, as well as other emerging and re-emerging public health challenges.

Western Hemisphere

In Mexico, 2 Fulbright/COMEXUS Public Policy Initiative Awards will fund students pursuing fieldwork, research or an internship in the area of Public Administration or Public Policy.

In Guatemala, 3 Fulbright-Fogarty Public Health Fellowship Awards offer U.S. graduate and post-graduate students in the health sciences practical experience focusing on health issues related to migrants, molecular studies to improve understanding of regional HIV transmission dynamics, antiretroviral drug resistance, the impact of air pollution exposures, as well as  evaluating national prevention efforts related to vector-borne, arbovirus and emerging infectious diseases. 

Paraguay is offering two new ETA Awards.


As you think about your future endeavors, remember that Fulbright represents a world of possibility! Their large range of programs and international focus would give you a potentially life-changing experience personally and professionally. We wish you good luck as you find your perfect fit, and remember to visit ProFellow for tips on the Fulbright application process.

© Victoria Johnson 2019, all rights reserved.