31 Science Policy Fellowships for Scientists and Science Advocates

Aug 06, 2024
Smiling scientists looking at camera arms crossed in laboratory. They represent science policy fellowships for scientist interested in advocacy.
Science policy fellowships present unique opportunities for scientists and advocates to influence policy and drive evidence-based solutions.

Science policy fellowships offer a unique opportunity for scientists and science advocates to influence policymaking and drive evidence-based solutions. In this article, we’ll dive into the significance of these fellowships, the diverse opportunities they provide, and their transformative potential for participants. Whether you’re a seasoned researcher or a passionate advocate, science policy fellowships offer a direct pathway to impact at the intersection of science and policy.

30 Science Policy Fellowships

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1. AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships

The Science & Technology Policy Fellowships offered by the AAAS give scientists and engineers an opportunity to apply their knowledge and analytical skills to the policymaking process of the U.S. federal government. These fellowships offer one-year assignments in the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the federal government in Washington, D.C. The program has grown to include over 4,000 policy-savvy leaders from academia, government, nonprofits, and industry and is continuously expanding to serve the nation and the world. Fellows can receive a stipend ranging from $89,000 to $116,000 per year and other support, such as reimbursement for health care insurance.

Learn about AAAS fellowship winner Dominique Carter’s experience and read her tips for your own application!

2. AGU Congressional Science Fellowship

The AGU Congressional Science Fellowship program is designed to place highly qualified professionals in Congress or on a committee for a one-year assignment. The program’s objective is to make effective use of scientific knowledge and provide scientists with opportunities to contribute to public policy. This includes activities such as drafting authorization bills, writing speeches, and meeting with groups. AGU Fellows can expect to receive a monthly stipend for 12 months, travel allowances, AGU Annual Meeting registration, and health care coverage.

3. Alaska Sea Grant Fellowships

The State Fellowship Program is designed based on the highly successful Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship. It provides a great opportunity for graduate students and recent graduates who are interested in planning and executing marine resource policies and programs in Alaska. The program offers a paid 12-month fellowship that matches enthusiastic and motivated students with hosts from Alaska-based organizations or agencies. Students who are about to complete their graduate degree or have earned a graduate degree within two years of the application deadline in a relevant discipline are eligible to apply. For fellowships starting in 2024, the stipend for the twelve-month fellowship will be $60,000 (approximately $5,000 per month). Additionally, funds will be available to cover travel expenses related to the fellowship.

4. APS Early-career Advocacy Fellowship

The APS Early-Career Advocacy Fellowship is a two-year program that aims to encourage early-career researchers to participate in advocacy activities and equip them with the necessary skills to become long-term advocates for scientific research. The fellowship also offers mentorship from experienced members of the American Physiological Society (APS) Science Policy Committee (SPC). To be eligible, applicants must be APS members in good standing, currently enrolled in a graduate-level program, or have received their doctoral degree within the past 12 years, possess excellent communication skills and have a keen interest in advocacy. Applicants must also reside in the United States during the two-year award period. The award amount is up to $1,500.

5. ASN Science Policy Fellowship

The American Society for Nutrition (ASN) offers two one-year Fellowships to advanced graduate students, early professionals, postdoctoral trainees, medical interns, residents, or fellows. These Fellowships provide recipients with an opportunity to gain an enhanced perspective on public policy issues related to nutrition. It also facilitates the acquisition of skills and tools necessary to become well-informed advocates for nutrition research and policy. To be eligible for the Fellowship, applicants must be an ASN member in good standing. They should be studying or working in a field related to nutrition science, practice, or public health.

6. ASPET Washington Fellows Program

The ASPET Washington Fellows Program aims to provide opportunities for developing and early-career scientists who are interested in science policy to learn more and become actively involved in public policy issues. Through the program, fellows will broaden their understanding of how public policy decisions made in Washington, D.C., affect and shape science policy. This program seeks to equip fellows with the necessary skills and insights to become future leaders in science. The ASPET Washington Fellows Program is open to all graduate students, postdoctoral trainees, and researchers who are members of ASPET in good standing and have a strong interest in science and its intersection with public policy.

7. Belfer Center Fellowships

The Belfer Center at Harvard University provides pre-doctoral and post-doctoral research fellowships for a period of one year, with the possibility of renewal. The Center accepts applications for fellowships from MPP and MPA students at the Harvard Kennedy School, predoctoral candidates, current doctoral students, recent recipients of a Ph.D. or equivalent degree, visiting scholars, researchers at the junior faculty level, university faculty members, and employees of government and private research institutions who have acquired appropriate professional experience. The Center encourages applications from individuals with diverse disciplinary backgrounds, including political scientists, lawyers, economists, those in the natural sciences, and others. The fellowship provides a 10-month stipend ranging from $20K to $34K.

8. California Science and Technology Fellowship

The CCST Science & Technology Policy Fellows program is an initiative that selects and trains fifteen PhD scientists and engineers each year. The program offers a unique opportunity for these professionals to spend a year working in Sacramento, where they collaborate with decision-makers within the California State Legislature and Executive Branch. Throughout their tenure, these fellows get a front-row seat to learn about the craft and process of policymaking in California. They are tasked with evaluating complex scientific issues and interpreting data while also taking on the responsibilities of full-time staffers. The base salary for this program is $66,560, and it includes paid time off, as well as health, dental, and vision benefits. Approved professional development and travel expenditures are also reimbursed. Moreover, CCST reimburses up to $4,000 in relocation costs for moves over 50 miles.

9. Christine Mirzayan Science and Technology Policy Graduate Fellowship

The Christine Mirzayan Science & Technology Policy Graduate Fellowship Program is a full-time educational and training program that provides a unique opportunity for early career individuals to spend 12 weeks in Washington, D.C., at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. During the program, participants will learn about science and technology policy, as well as the crucial role that scientists and engineers play in advising the nation. Each year, applicants from around the world are selected to join a National Academies unit, where they will be paired with a mentor and gain valuable insights into the world of science and technology policy. Participants will receive a stipend of $11,000 to cover their living expenses, which will be paid in one installment during the first week of the program. Additionally, the program covers the travel expenses (airfare, bus fare, or mileage) for Fellows to travel from their U.S.-based residence to Washington, D.C.

Check out Emily Roberts’ inspiration in applying to the leading science policy fellowship in DC.

10. Eagleton Science and Politics Fellowship

Rutgers University is offering a fellowship named the Eagleton Science and Politics Fellowship, which aims to place PhD-level scientists and engineers in New Jersey State legislative or executive offices as science aides for a full year. The selected Fellows will receive a stipend and will participate in an intensive summer training seminar focused on New Jersey state politics and government. All scientists and engineers with a PhD-level degree can apply, including students in their final year of study, provided that they complete their defense and all degree requirements by July 1 of the fellowship period. Applications will be reviewed on a space-available basis after the priority deadline.

11. Emerging Public Policy Leadership Award (EPPLA)

The Emerging Public Policy Leadership Award (EPPLA) was established by the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) to encourage scientists to participate in the public policy process. The award is given to graduate students in the biological sciences who demonstrate an interest and proficiency in working at the intersection of science and policy. The recipients of the EPPLA receive an all-expenses-paid trip to Washington, DC, where they participate in meetings with their congressional delegation, receive training on communications and policy, and are provided with a one-year subscription to BioScience.

12. EMS Graduate Fellows for Science Advocacy and Diversity (EMS-GFSAD) Program

The EMS-GFSAD program is an initiative within the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences (EMS) aimed at supporting and expanding the work of We Are For Science (WAFS). The program provides formal support to student leadership and establishes an administrative home for WAFS in the college. The goal of WAFS is to promote science at Penn State, in the local community, and nationally by enhancing the communication between research institutions, the public, and the government. Additionally, WAFS strives to create a diverse and inclusive scientific community. The program selects two fellows each year.

13. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Science and Technology Policy Fellowships

EERE STP Fellowships provide a two-year opportunity to recent graduates, scientists, and engineers to work on policy-related projects at DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Washington, D.C. There are three levels of fellowships: Junior Fellows (Bachelor’s), Fellows (Masters or PhD), and Senior Fellows (Masters or PhD). Fellows are paid starting salaries of $47,684, $58,000, and $76,378, respectively, and are also provided with health benefits, travel assistance, and relocation allowances. Applications for SunShot are reviewed twice per year with rolling deadlines of January 15 and June 15.

14. Google Public Policy Fellowship

The Google Public Policy Fellowship program is available in various markets in the United States, Europe, and Emerging Markets. It provides undergraduate, graduate, and law students who are interested in internet and technology policy with an opportunity to spend a semester contributing to the public dialogue on these issues and exploring their future academic and professional interests. The program enables fellows to work with public interest organizations that are at the forefront of debates on tech policy issues or with public affairs consultancies that have expertise in the policy strategy space.

Marianna Elvira won this fellowship to work at the National Hispanic Media Coalition. Check out what the experience was like for her.

15. Gulf Research Program Science Policy Fellowships

The Gulf Research Program has announced Science Policy Fellowships that are designed for individuals who are interested in public policy and have demonstrated superior scholarship. The Fellows will have the opportunity to gain valuable experience at the science-policy interface by working for one year at a state legislature, environmental or natural resource agency, or regional offices of relevant federal agencies. The stipend amount will range from $58,000 to $63,000 and will depend on the degree completed or currently enrolled in. Additionally, each fellow will receive an annual health allowance of $5,500, which will be added to the stipend package. Moreover, the fellows will receive a one-time payment of $1,500 before or at the beginning of the fellowship term to defray costs associated with relocation.

16. Harkness Fellowships in Health Care Policy and Practice

The Harkness Fellowships in Health Care Policy and Practice by The Commonwealth Fund is an exceptional opportunity for mid-career health services researchers and practitioners from Australia, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. The fellowship allows them to conduct original research and work with leading U.S. health policy experts for up to 12 months in the United States. Each Harkness Fellowship provides up to U.S. $119,000, along with a supplemental allowance for families. The deadlines for applications vary by nationality, so please check them accordingly.

17. Howard H. Garrison Advocacy Fellowship

The Howard H. Garrison Advocacy Fellowship is a 10-month program that offers a comprehensive learning experience in advocacy, science policy, science communications, leadership development, and career exploration outside academia. The program consists of three main components, including Science Policy and Advocacy Course, Communications and Advocacy Training, and Leadership / Professional Skills Development. All activities are conducted virtually unless stated otherwise. The program invites researchers from all career stages to apply, as well as graduate students who have advanced to Ph.D. candidacy at the time of application. FASEB covers all expenses related to the program, including registration, travel, and accommodations.

18. IEEE-USA Congressional Fellowship

IEEE-USA established the Congressional Fellowship program to allow its U.S. members to contribute practically to the public policy process, promoting more efficient use of scientific and technical knowledge in the U.S. government. Every year, the IEEE-USA Government Fellows Committee chooses eligible IEEE members from a pool of applicants to serve a one-year fellowship on Capitol Hill. The applicants should have either a Ph.D. or a Master’s degree, along with at least five (5) years of full-time professional work experience. Fellows will receive a stipend of $85,000 plus other benefits. IEEE-USA Congressional Fellowships will be held from September 1 to August 31 each year.

19. IEEE-USA Engineering & Diplomacy Fellowship

IEEE-USA is currently seeking enthusiastic IEEE U.S. members who are interested in spending a year working in Washington as an IEEE-USA Engineering and Diplomacy Fellow. The fellowship spans one year, starting in September. It provides an exceptional opportunity for individuals from the science, technology, and engineering community to offer their technical expertise to the U.S. State Department. Moreover, it offers an excellent chance to raise awareness of the value of your input while you learn about and contribute to the foreign policy process. The chosen fellows receive a stipend of $85,000, depending on their education level and experience, plus $5,000 for travel and relocation expenses.

20. Jefferson Science Fellowship (JSF)

The JSF program is open to U.S. citizens who are tenured or similarly ranked academic scientists, engineers, and physicians from U.S. institutions of higher learning. The program offers a one-year on-site assignment in Washington, D.C., at either the U.S. Department of State or the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). The assignment may also involve extended stays at U.S. foreign embassies and/or missions and will be designed in consultation with regional and/or functional bureaus within the U.S. Department of State/USAID. Fellows will receive a stipend of up to $50,000 as well as $10,000 for travel.

21. John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship

The Sea Grant Knauss Fellowship is a program intended for graduate students who have a keen interest in the ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes resources, as well as the national policy decisions that impact these resources. The Fellowship is named after John A. Knauss, one of Sea Grant’s founders and former NOAA Administrator. This program provides a unique opportunity for highly qualified graduate students to take part in a one-year paid fellowship and work with “hosts” in the legislative and executive branches of government in the Washington, D.C., area.

22. NOAA Coastal Management Fellowship

Coastal Management Fellows is a two-year program that begins in August. The program focuses on addressing significant state-level coastal resource management issues related to federal management policies and regulations. Eligible candidates include any student who has completed a master’s, doctoral, or professional degree in coastal, aquatic, or environmental management-related studies from an accredited university in the U.S. This opportunity is highly competitive and offers a lucrative salary, medical benefits, and reimbursement for travel and relocation expenses.

23. North Carolina Sea Grant STEM Policy Post-Graduate Fellowship

The North Carolina STEM Policy Post-Graduate Fellowships are designed for graduate students from North Carolina universities who are interested in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics policy issues. The program offers a full-time, year-long opportunity to work in high-level state government offices. Fellows receive a competitive stipend of $52,500 for the year, along with $2,000 for travel expenses to attend professional development and networking events.

24. Research!America Science Policy Fellowship

The Research!America Alliance is advocating for a federal climate policy that can empower the nation’s biomedical and health research sectors to accelerate medical progress. They are offering a paid fellowship for one year, which can be done remotely. The fellows will help the organization in advancing its mission, objectives, and public policy activities through education and advocacy. They are looking for candidates with a Ph.D. or any other terminal degree who are interested in gaining science policy experience in biomedical research, health services research, and other health research disciplines. For detailed application instructions, please visit the website.

25. RWJF Health Policy Fellows

The RWJF Health Policy Fellows program aims to establish and maintain a strong and diverse leadership team and workforce that is proficient in health policy. The program offers Fellows the opportunity to work closely with key players in federal health policy and utilize their leadership experience to improve health, healthcare, and health policy. This non-partisan fellowship has been providing mid-career health professionals, behavioral/social scientists, and others interested in health and healthcare with direct, hands-on policy experience with the most influential congressional and executive offices in the nation’s capital since 1973.

Read about Lindsey Harris’ incredible work as an RJWF Fellow here!

26. Senior Congressional Innovation Fellowship

The Senior Congressional Innovation Fellowship is a program designed for mid-career technology professionals who want to gain hands-on experience in working with Congress and learn about the policymaking process. The Fellows are given the opportunity to work with TechCongress to choose a placement with a Member of Congress or Congressional Committee. They also report directly to a senior staffer in that office, such as a Chief of Staff or Staff Director. To be eligible for the program, candidates should have at least 8 years of work experience or postgraduate study. The Fellows receive an annual $86,700 stipend along with other benefits. This is a full-time position that is based in Washington, DC.

27. SIAM Science Policy Fellowship Program

The Science Policy Fellowship Program run by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) aims to develop post-doctoral fellows and early career researchers into strong advocates for applied mathematics and computational science in the United States. The Program selects three to five fellowship recipients each year for a two-year term, during which they receive in-person and remote training, attend biannual SIAM Committee on Science Policy meetings, meet with federal officials, and participate in an advocacy day on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. The Program also allows participants to expand their knowledge of the policy processes that determine science funding and policy decisions while still pursuing their research and teaching. To apply for the Program, applicants must be SIAM members in good standing.

28. STPI’s Policy Fellowship Program

The Science and Technology Policy Institute is currently offering a two-year Fellowship program for recent graduates who have earned either a bachelor’s or master’s degree. This program presents a unique opportunity for individuals to apply their critical thinking and analytical skills in tackling a wide range of challenges in the field of science and technology policy. The areas of focus within this program include, but are not limited to, energy and the environment, space sciences, innovation and competitiveness, evaluation, life sciences, information technologies, national security, and STEM education. As a fellow, you will collaborate with leaders from the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) in the Executive Office of the President, as well as with other Federal Government organizations such as the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health.

29. TechCongress Congressional Innovation Fellowship

TechCongress is an organization that aims to bring technology talent into the government. They offer a Congressional Innovation Fellowship program that lasts for 10 months. During this time, Fellows work with TechCongress to choose a placement with a Member of Congress or Congressional Committee in Washington, DC. Fellows will report directly to a senior staffer, such as a Chief of Staff or Staff Director. The Fellowship is open to individuals with 2-6 years of experience, which can include a graduate degree program. Benefits include a $67,085 stipend along with health insurance supplement, relocation, and travel allowance.

Want to learn more? Read our interview with TechCongress Fellow Emily Paul.

30. The Commonwealth of Virginia Engineering and Science (COVES) Fellowship

The COVES Fellowship, which is a 12-week program offered by the Virginia Academy of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (VASEM), is a full-time opportunity for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Successful applicants will work as science advisors in legislative offices, executive agencies, or reputable companies/nonprofits in Virginia. During the program, fellows will gain hands-on experience by assisting their host office with relevant tasks such as research, drafting, and revision of policies. Additionally, each fellow will be paired with an experienced science policy mentor from VASEM. The application deadline varies by university but typically falls in December.

31. William L. Fisher Congressional Geoscience Fellowship

The William L. Fisher Congressional Geoscience Fellowship is a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience with the legislative process on Capitol Hill. The selected candidate will work as a staff member in the office of a member of Congress or a congressional committee in Washington, D.C., for a period of 12 months. Fellows make practical contributions towards the effective and timely use of geoscientific knowledge on issues related to the environment, resources, natural hazards, and federal science policy. Prospective applicants should have a strong geoscience background and excellent written and oral communication skills. The one-year fellowship provides a stipend of $78,000, along with allowances for relocation, travel, and health insurance. Check the website.

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