Interested in gaining a better understanding of Asian culture? The Luce Scholars Program is a fantastic professional fellowship opportunity for recent college graduates and young professionals to spend a year in Asia. Fellows are assigned to professional positions in one of fifteen Asian countries, similar to the Peace Corps, and receive two-months of intensive language study, housing and a generous living stipend.
To be eligible for the Luce Scholars fellowship you must be nominated by one of 75 qualifying universities, a U.S. citizen under the age of 30, hold a bachelor’s degree, and have spent less than eight weeks in Asia. The Luce Scholars Program accepts fellows from a wide variety of backgrounds as evidenced by their past and present list of fellows.
“The program is designed as a cultural experience first and foremost. Each Scholar’s placement provides a professional venue and perspective, but the assignments themselves must be viewed as a mechanism through which to gain a broader understanding and appreciation of the culture in which one is living. As a purely professional experience, the year in Asia may not prove as satisfying as a similar assignment at home, often due to differences in management styles, political systems, work environments, and resource limitations. However, the insight gained through the year of cultural immersion and professional enrichment often makes their time in Asia a transformative experience for many Luce Scholars”. Read More.
The application for the Luce Scholars fellowship is typically November 1. To learn more about the Luce Scholoars Program please click here.