kanthari Training Program


kanthari, an institute located in Trivandrum, Kerala, India, offers a 12-month scholarship-based experiential training, equipping social change makers/entrepreneurs from around the world with the tools required to start their own impact-making social/environmental organizations. Once selected for the course, a scholarship will be provided through kanthari. Applicants must be over 22 years old, have basic knowledge of English and computer skills as well as be motivated to address a pressing social or environmental issue. Applications for the kanthari course are welcome anytime. However, June to December would be the ideal time to apply for the upcoming course that starts in April of the following year.

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  • Deadline: Rolling Deadline*
  • Work Experience: Any
  • Location: Asia
  • Citizenship: Any
  • Residency: Any
*Please check the program's website to confirm deadlines.
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