Temple University Fully Funded PhD in Business Administration

Temple University

Temple University, based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania offers a fully funded PhD in Business Administration. This heavily research-focused Ph.D. program is designed for advanced scholars who want to build their research portfolios; expand their ideas using data-driven theories and approaches; and position themselves to become business educators. All Ph.D. students are considered for full financial support for up to five years. Typically, funding comes in the form of full tuition remission and a competitive stipend for serving as a research or teaching assistant. The funding is renewable every year, subject to good progress and annual evaluations.

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  • Deadline: Dec 15, 2025 (Confirmed)*
  • Work Experience: Any
  • Location: North America
  • Citizenship: Any
  • Residency: United States
*Please check the program's website to confirm deadlines.
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