Interested in moving to Canada, eh? Bookmark these seven fellowships for opportunities to study and conduct research with some of the country’s top universities and institutions.
Killam Fellowships Program
The Killam Fellowships Program administered by Fulbright Canada provides an opportunity for exceptional undergraduate students from universities in Canada and the United States to spend either one semester or a full academic year as an exchange student in the other country. The Killam Fellowships Program offers a cash award of $10,000 US ($5,000 US per semester), along with an allowance of $500 to offset health insurance costs. The Foundation hosts all new Killam Fellows at an Orientation program in Ottawa each fall and again at a seminar in Washington D.C. each spring. In addition, all Fellows are eligible to apply for a mobility grant.
Jeanne Sauvé Public Leadership Program
Jeanne Sauvé Public Leadership Program is a unique two-year fellowship opportunity: Year one consists in a full-time intensive residential phase in Montreal, Canada. The Program is structured around a key global challenge for each cohort. Year two is a part-time field phase tailored to each individual Fellow’s activities in their respective communities and countries. Fellows are highly motivated independent thinkers between 25 and 30 years of age with demonstrated skills as agents of change. The Program provides housing, a monthly allowance to cover meals and incidental expenses, and RT transport to Montreal.
Fellowship in Global Journalism
This program seeks 15 outstanding people from around the world with specialist knowledge of their discipline for an 8-month fellowship at the University of Toronto. Applicants must have a graduate degree, or professional degree, or a few years’ work experience in their discipline; have strong communications instincts; and are hungry to cover their disciplines as journalists in all platforms including print, on-line, broadcast and radio, full-time or part-time. Prior experience as a journalist is not necessary, but some specific qualities are. Fellows graduate with a Certificate in Global Journalism. Fellowship provides $20,000 towards tuition.
Fulbright-Carlos Rico Award for North American Studies
The intent of this award is to enhance collaboration among a community of scholars working on issues of relevance to the special trilateral relationship among the U.S., Mexico and Canada. Projects across a broad range of disciplines are welcome. Proposals should reflect topics which would benefit from a trilateral perspective and clearly demonstrate a need to spend time in both Mexico and Canada. Grantees may teach, engage in collaborative research or combine both activities. Grants are from 4 months to an academic year, and time should be distributed equally between Canada and Mexico. PhD (or other terminal degree) required.
Vanier Canada Graduate Fellowship
The Government of Canada launched the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships (Vanier CGS) program in 2008 to strengthen Canada’s ability to attract and retain world-class doctoral students and establish Canada as a global centre of excellence in research and higher learning. Vanier Scholars demonstrate leadership skills and a high standard of scholarly achievement in graduate studies in the social sciences and/or humanities, natural sciences and/or engineering and health. Up to 167 scholarships are awarded annually. Fellows receive $50,000 per year for three years. See the website to learn more about the nomination process.
Visiting Fellowships in Canadian Government Laboratories (VF) Program
The VF Program provides promising emerging scientists and engineers with the opportunity to work with research groups or leaders in Canadian government laboratories and research institutions. Fellowships have a stipend of $50,503 per year, awarded for one year with the possibility of renewal for a second and third year. You must have received a doctoral degree in the natural sciences or engineering from a recognized university within the past five years. There are no restrictions on the nationality of applicants.
Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships
The Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships program provides funding to the very best postdoctoral applicants, both nationally and internationally, who will positively contribute to Canada’s economic, social and research-based growth. Areas of research include health research, natural sciences, engineering, social sciences and humanities. 70 fellowships are awarded annually. The two-year fellowships offer a stipend of $70,000 per year.
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