Food security fellowships arm fellows with the knowledge and skills needed to address hunger in communities, whether at home or abroad. The seven fellowships below combine issues of hunger with education, environmental degradation, and policy. If you are interested in making a difference and would like to receive world-class training, check out the opportunities below.
If one of these opportunities sounds like a good fit for you, be sure to bookmark it to your ProFellow account!
The Bill Emerson National Hunger Fellowship
Emerson Hunger Fellows shape and implement local anti-hunger programs all over the U.S., and then research and support national policy initiatives in Washington, D.C. Fellows are placed for 5 months with community-based organizations involved in fighting hunger and poverty at the local level. In mid-February, the Fellows regroup in Washington, D.C. to debrief and share their field experiences and participate in extensive policy training. Fellows then work in nonprofit organizations and government agencies on national level policies. The fellowship is for 1-year and offers a salary and benefits.
Earth Institute Postdoctoral Fellowships
The Fellows Program provides innovative postdoctoral scholars with the opportunity to build a foundation in one of the core disciplines represented within the Earth Institute (i.e., any of the social sciences, earth sciences, biological sciences, engineering sciences and health sciences), and cross-disciplinary expertise related to sustainable development and reducing environmental degradation, poverty, hunger and disease. Earth Institute fellowships will ordinarily be granted for a period of 24 months and includes a $12,000 research allowance for the two-year appointment, and carries an annual salary of about $61,800.
Hunger Innovation Fellowship
The Hunger Innovation Fellowship is a 12-month fellowship in Louisville, Kentucky for a fellow or a team (of no more than 3 fellows) to research and identify opportunities to accelerate and elevate collective local efforts addressing food insecurity that may be scalable to other communities. Fellows will cultivate private, public, and civic partnerships to improve existing efforts. The fellowship carries a stipend of $100,000 to be shared by the team to cover living expenses while working on the project and up to an additional $20,000 is available for project-related expenses.
Mickey Leland International Hunger Fellows Program
During each two-year fellowship cycle, 12-15 Leland Fellows are placed with international development organizations that include international and local NGOs, U.S. government agencies and multilateral organizations. Host organizations in the past have included Concern Worldwide, the UN World Food Program, Catholic Relief Services, Mercy Corps, and many more. Fellows work on a variety of food security issues, such as agricultural development, nutrition, natural resource management, agribusiness development and women’s empowerment. Include a monthly stipend, health insurance and travel expenses.
Peace Corps
Peace Corps Volunteers work abroad for a period of 24 months after 3 months of training. Volunteers work with governments, schools, non-profit organizations, non-government organizations, and entrepreneurs in education, hunger, business, information technology, agriculture, and the environment. Peace Corps Volunteers serve in 75 countries in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Central America and Mexico, South America, Europe, the Pacific Islands and the Middle East. PCVs receive a living allowance, free travel and transition reward after completing 27 months of service. Check website for deadlines by opportunity.
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Food Security and the Environment
Stanford University’s Center on Food Security and the Environment addresses critical global issues of hunger, poverty and environmental degradation by generating vital knowledge and policy-relevant solutions. The FSE post-doc will be awarded to promising young scholars with a demonstrated ability to do innovative and rigorous work related to global hunger, poverty alleviation, and environmental degradation. Successful candidates will be expected to lead projects of their own design, while also interacting with other faculty and students at FSE. The position is for one year, at a competitive annual salary and benefits package.
Repair the World Fellowship
Repair the World is an 11-month fellowship in which fellows work with 1 to 3 non-profits addressing issues in hunger or education, and serve as a capacity builder through volunteering and recruiting the Jewish community and others to volunteer as well. Fellows receive training in a variety of skills including group facilitation, data analysis, public speaking and community engagement while learning about Jewish approaches to social justice. Fellowships are available in Detroit, Miami, New York, Philadelphia or Pittsburgh and include housing, health insurance and a stipend of $600 a month.
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