International Fellows Network Dinner in San Francisco, May 2016

May 19, 2016

International Fellows Network May 2016

On Tuesday, the International Fellows Network held a dinner at Tuba Restaurant in San Francisco for current and former fellows. Co-hosted by ProFellow co-founders Vicki and Ryan Johnson, the dinner brought together a cross-disciplinary group of leaders in their fields. Fellows discussed their interests and experiences, including several fellows’ global health work in Africa, the public-private intersect of social impact investing, Claire Stone’s founding of the non-profit Euclid Garden project, one fellow’s two-year stint as the legal advisor to the U.S. Embassy in Macedonia, current projects focused on renewable energy and environmental policy, and the experience of living and working in the Bay Area.

The International Fellows Network is a professional networking organization of more than 1,000 current and former fellows from all over the world. We have also held events in Washington, DC, New York City and Berlin, Germany. Through the IFN, current and former fellows can connect for advice and information on fellowships, jobs, events, graduate programs and collaborative opportunities. If you are a current or former fellow and would like to join, please sign up for our fellowships database, and we’ll be in touch by email!

May 2016 attendees:

Annie Peyton: Upcoming Luce Scholar to Thailand
Bryan Locascio: New Sector Alliance Resident in Social Enterprise
Chelsea Ducharme: Global Heath Corps Fellow in Uganda
Claire Stone: City Hall Fellow at SF Recreation and Park
Ida Posner: Princeton in Africa Fellow in Kenya
Joerg Geier: Fulbright Fellow to the U.S. from Germany
Jorge Benavides: Eben Tisdale Public Policy Fellow
Lourdes Vazquez: National Urban Fellow
Mark Lasser: Fulbright Fellow to Albania
Michael Totah: City Hall Fellow at the SF Public Utilities Commission
Ryan Johnson: Co-founder, ProFellow
Scott Burns: Alfa Fellow to Russia
Vicki Johnson: Ian Axford Fellow in Public Policy / Co-founder, ProFellow

© Victoria Johnson 2016, all rights reserved.