Several fellowship organizations strive to promote diversity in our legislative system. These 6 fellowships offer leadership training for members of underrepresented groups in Congress to help offer a different perspective and shape policies that will benefit everyone. Check out these Congressional fellowships located on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC.
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Victory Congressional Fellowship
The Victory Congressional Fellowship brings one outstanding LGBT young professional to Washington, DC, for an intensive leadership program. The program includes a year-long fellowship in the office of a co-chair of the LGBT Equality Caucus supporting the Executive Director of the LGBT Equality Caucus, and an educational and leadership development program to learn about the legislative process and careers in policy-making. Benefits include a monthly living stipend totaling $30,000 over one year, healthcare reimbursement and airfare.
CBCF Fellowship
The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation offers a 20-month program which offers fellows the opportunity to work with congressional members and committees, attend leadership development seminars, complete community service projects and produce policy papers. Fellows learn how to conduct legislative analysis, respond to constituent mail, draft talking points and speeches for members, and coordinate logistics and public testimony for congressional hearings. After mastering these aspects, fellows transition to a congressional committee and learn about the legislative process. A stipend of $40K/year and other benefits are provided.
Congressional Fellowships on Women and Public Policy
The Congressional Fellowships on Women and Public Policy are designed to train potential leaders in public policy formation to examine issues from the perspective, experiences, and needs of women. Fellows gain practical policymaking experience and graduate credit as they work from January to August in Congressional offices. The fellowships are extended to students who are currently enrolled in a graduate program at an accredited institution in the United States or who have completed such a program within the past 18 months. Fellows receive a biweekly stipend and funding for health insurance.
CHCI Graduate Fellowship
The CHCI Graduate Fellowship seeks to enhance participants’ leadership abilities, strengthen professional skills and produce more competent and competitive Latino professionals. The nine-month paid fellowship program offers exceptional Latinos who have earned at least a master’s degree within three years of the program start date with unparalleled hands-on experience in a Congressional office or committee. Topic areas include Higher Education, Secondary Education, Health, Housing, Law and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). Fellows receive a salary, benefits and roundtrip airfare to Washington, DC.
CHLI Global Leaders Internship and Fellowship Program
The fellowship is an opportunity for currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate from the United States and Puerto Rico, with a strong interest in the U.S. Hispanic community, to spend one semester (12-15 weeks) working with Congress and other respected corporations in Washington, DC, and earn academic credit hours. Fellows work on project-based programs that provide hands-on experience working in public policy. The fellowship provides round-trip airfare, lodging, books and research expenses, a monthly transportation stipend, and a $2,000 living stipend. Candidates must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies (APAICS) Fellowship
The APAICS Fellowship program is a 9-month, full-time legislative and public policy fellowship in Washington, DC, that provides exceptional graduates and young professionals with an opportunity to work on policy issues as full-time staff members of a congressional office. Candidates must have a Bachelor’s degree or graduate degree and demonstrated leadership and understanding of Asian American and Pacific Islander issues. Fellows receive a salary, benefits, and complimentary roundtrip airfare. Areas of focus: General Fellowship; Education & Labor; and Financial Services. There is also an American Petroleum Institute (A.P.I.) STEM Graduate Fellowship is for individuals pursuing a career in public policy with a background in energy, engineering and mechanical sciences.
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