Gaining research and laboratory experience as a student is essential to launch your professional career in law, science, technology, engineering, and math fields of study. Many fellowships will provide funding and help students participate in research opportunities alongside established researchers and professors.
This list of fellowships includes opportunities for students to participate in research in a wide variety of fields such as public policy, health, transportation, and history. The research fellowships also offer travel opportunities to Washington D.C., Europe, Puerto Rico, and more.
If you are interested in one of the fellowships below, bookmark the fellowship to your free ProFellow account.
1. CAPAL Internship Program
The Conference on Asian Pacific American Leadership offers a summer internship program that provides opportunities for two current undergraduate and graduate students. The students will work on issues relevant to Asian-Pacific Americans. Public Service Interns work in the Washington, DC area on policy or scientific research, project coordination and management, business, law, communications, and more. Public Service Field Interns work within public sector positions throughout the U.S. and conduct field research, perform site visits to local communities, and present their findings to various partners. Field and DC-based interns interact throughout the program.
2. CHLI Global Leaders Internship and Fellowship Program
The fellowship is an opportunity for currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate from the United States and Puerto Rico, with a strong interest in the U.S. Hispanic community, to spend one semester (12-15 weeks) working with Congress and other respected corporations in Washington, D.C., and earn academic credit hours. Fellows work on project-based programs that provide hands-on experience working in public policy. The fellowship provides round-trip airfare, lodging, books, research expenses, a monthly transportation stipend, and a $2,000 living stipend. Candidates must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
3. ETH Student Summer Research Fellowship
The Student Summer Research Fellowship (ETH SSRF) offers undergraduate and graduate Computer Science students the opportunity to gain their first research experience in an area of their choice, including Data Science and Machine Learning, Information and System Security, Computer Systems, Visual Computing, and more. The fellowship provided by the Computer Science Department of ETH takes place during two summer months and is open to all students worldwide. The department is committed to increasing diversity in the computer science area. Fellows at ETH Zurich will receive a monthly allowance of about CHF 1.750 to cover housing and living expenses. Travel and visa expenses will be covered as well.
4. Gina M. Finzi Memorial Student Summer Fellowship Program
The Lupus Foundation of America has several grant programs for investigators interested in lupus research. The Gina M. Finzi Memorial Student Summer Fellowship program aims to offer students interested in basic, clinical, translational, epidemiological, or behavioral research relevant to lupus an opportunity to work under the supervision of an established, tenure-track principal investigator who directs a laboratory dedicated at least in part to the investigation of lupus at an academic, medical, or research institution. Undergraduates through Medical Residents, Master’s & Ph.D. students may apply. Six fellows receive awards of $4,000.
5. Goizueta Foundation Graduate Fellowship Program
Goizueta Foundation Graduate Fellowship Program aims to expand the scholarship of Cuban, American, Latin, hemispheric, and international studies by funding doctoral students interested in using the resources available at the University of Miami Cuban Heritage Collection (CHC) for dissertation research. Two fellowship types are offered, Graduate Pre-Prospectus Summer Fellowships, which provide one-month residence and $1,500, and Graduate Research Fellowships, which provide $3,000/month for 1-3 months in residence.
6. Hartford Hospital Summer Student Pre-Med & Research Program
The program is designed exclusively for pre-medical students (who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents) completing their junior year in college. It offers the student an introduction to research methodology, patient treatment, and ethical issues in medicine as well as exposure to a broad spectrum of healthcare providers within a large community teaching hospital. 14-18 positions are awarded annually to qualified pre-medical students who will have completed their junior year of college in the spring. The ten-week program award is $1,800 and dormitory housing is provided as needed.
7. James A. Ferguson Emerging Infectious Diseases Fellowship Program
The fellowship is a CDC-funded, 9-week summer program providing professional development opportunities for students interested in infectious diseases research and health disparities. The program begins with an orientation on research design, infectious diseases, urban health issues, and other health equity topics. During the remaining 8 weeks, fellows participate in a mentored internship at the CDC, the Kennedy Krieger Institute, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, the Bloomberg School of Public Health, or the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. A $4,000 stipend and other benefits are provided.
8. Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) Fellows Program
The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) Fellows Program exposes Maryland’s college students to careers in the state sector within Maryland’s integrative transportation system. Fellows of all majors are placed in full-time assignments in one of MDOT’s units and mentored by senior-level administrators. With the knowledge gained at their placements, and through seminars, trips, and networking, fellows research and create a proposal to solve a transportation challenge. Fellows are paid a stipend of $3,500 for their participation in the program from late May until August. Check the website for priority deadlines.
9. MDRC Gueron Scholar Doctoral Fellowship
This summer fellowship is for doctoral candidates who are pursuing independent, self-directed research on economic and social problems affecting low-income Americans. Any student enrolled in a doctoral program in economics, psychology, sociology, child development, child welfare, family relations, criminal justice, education, public policy, or related fields is eligible. The goal of the program is to provide opportunities for graduate students to gain exposure to social policy research, understand employment options beyond the academic and public sectors, and get the advice and support of MDRC’s staff in completing their dissertations. The fellowship offers a stipend of up to $5,000. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the summer doctoral fellowship will not be provided in 2021.
10. Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship (MLEF) Program
The Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship (MLEF) Program provides undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students with opportunities to gain hands-on research experience with the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy (FE). The goal of the MLEF program is to improve opportunities for women and minority students in STEM majors, however, all eligible candidates are encouraged to apply. Selected candidates will train under the mentorship of program officials and scientists on focused research projects. During the 10 weeks, Fellows will receive a stipend and some may be eligible to receive housing and a travel allowance.
11. Othering & Belonging Institute Summer Fellowship
The Othering & Belonging Institute Summer Fellowship is a three-month-long, part-time, 20-hour/week paid research experience. The purpose of the fellowship is to prepare and engage with the next generation of researchers and future community leaders who are committed to social and racial justice by providing mentorship and hands-on experience. In addition to independent work on assigned summer projects, fellows will explore pressing social justice issues as a cohort by participating in bi-weekly workshops and collaboratively organizing a local field trip to engage with issues and stakeholders in the field. The fellowship runs from mid-May to mid-August every year and takes place at the Othering & Belonging Institute office on the UC Berkeley campus. The Summer Fellowship Program will be offered virtually in 2023.
12. RAND Graduate Student Summer Associate Program
RAND’s Summer Associate Program introduces outstanding graduate students to RAND, an institution that researches a wide range of national security problems and domestic and international social policy issues. The program is designed for full-time students who have completed at least 2 years of graduate work leading to a doctorate (e.g., Ph.D., EDD, DRPH, SCID, etc.) or professional degree (e.g., law or medical degree, professional engineer certificate). Summer Associates work at RAND full-time for 12 weeks and receive bi-weekly compensation. Students must reside in the U.S. throughout their RAND summer assignment.
13. Summer Graduate Student Research Fellowship
Summer Graduate Student Research Fellowships support significant research and writing about the Holocaust and encourage MA-level and first-year Ph.D. students to test ideas, share research findings, debate methodological or interruptive processes, and develop frameworks for their projects. The Mandel Center welcomes applications from students in all academic disciplines: students outside the field of history are encouraged to apply. Research Fellows are required to be in residence at the Museum for 12 consecutive weeks and will be provided a stipend of $3,000/month and an allowance to offset travel costs.
14. Summer Institute in LGBT Population Health Program
LGBT Population Health Program offers graduate students and early career scholars an opportunity to train in LGBT health research. The program supports and stimulates research to fill critical knowledge gaps related to the health of sexual and gender minorities, strengthening the foundation for culturally competent treatment and behavior change models. The LGBT Population Health Program develops and supports collaborative research and education programs to understand and improve the health of sexual and gender minorities. The three signature areas are behavioral research on the sexual transmission of HIV, research on LGBT families and households, and demographic aspects of LGBT health, morbidity, disability, and mortality.
15. Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)
The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) is a fully funded, eight-week summer residential program that brings approximately 20 talented, motivated, and bright undergraduate students from across the U.S. and provides them with an immersive research experience. Fellows will participate in a robust graduate school preparation program including a GRE study course, excursions around the Bay Area, community-building activities, participation in a research poster symposium, and a strong mentorship component. SURF provides students with housing, a meal plan, a travel stipend, and a stipend upon completion of the program.
16. Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) at the Mayo Clinic
Each year, approximately 130 undergraduate students from around the U.S. come to Mayo Clinic’s campus in Rochester, MN, to work beside both young and established scientists on a broad range of biomedical research questions. A limited number of fellowships are also available at the Mayo Clinic campuses in Jacksonville, FL, and Scottsdale, AZ. Candidates must be students currently in their sophomore or junior year at a U.S. university and seriously considering a biomedical research career as a Ph.D. or M.D.-Ph.D. (international students are eligible). The award is $5,000 for 10 weeks.
17. Tompkins Fellowship
The Sally Kress Tompkins Fellowship, a joint program of the Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) and the Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS), permits a graduate student in architectural history or a related field to work on a 12-week HABS history project during the summer. The Fellow will research a nationally significant U.S. building or site and will prepare a written history to become part of the permanent HABS collection. The Fellow’s research interests and goals will inform the building or site selected by HABS staff. The Fellow is usually stationed in the HABS Washington D.C. office.
18. WARC Library Fellowship
The WARC Library Fellowship provides experience in West Africa for practicing librarians and for the next generation of Africana librarians and assists in capacity building at the library of the West African Research Center (WARC) in Dakar, Senegal. The Fellow will work on electronic cataloging and electronic research databases and should have well-developed skills in these areas. The Fellowship lasts 6-8 weeks in June and July. Fellows are US citizens and recent graduates, graduate students or practicing librarians ideally with a working knowledge of French. Round-trip travel to Dakar and a stipend of $2,500 are provided
19. Williams Institute Summer Law Fellowship
The Williams Institute Summer Law Fellowship provides a unique opportunity for law students to develop expertise in sexual orientation and gender identity law and public policy. Summer fellows will provide research and writing support to Williams Institute scholars who focus on state, federal, and international legal issues that impact the LGBT community. Applicants must be current law students (1L, 2L, 3L, or LLM). The Fellowships will provide a stipend of $5,000 for 10 weeks of full-time work with the Williams Institute.
20. Women’s History Institute Summer Research Fellowship
The Women’s History Institute of Historic Hudson Valley is pleased to offer Summer Research Fellowships in New York state to support the research of college and graduate students into the lives of women residing in the Hudson Valley, particularly during the time represented in the Historic Hudson Valley collections: the 18th and 19th centuries. Fellowship stipends are $3,000 for a minimum of 6 weeks and a maximum of three months. Research fellows are expected to produce an article or mid-term report as well as a final academic report on their findings. The Fellows will be offered the opportunity to take part in HHV programming.
Interested in summer fellowships? The ProFellow Fellowships Database includes nearly 100, as well as thousands more fellowships for research and professional development.
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